by Robert McMillen | Uncategorized, Week 04 - Humility, Week 12 - Understanding
One of the consistent things I’ve noticed about myself (and others) is a strong need to feel like we are in control. It doesn’t matter if it is our time, our diet, our weight, our habits, our health, our money, our future, our security, our spouse, our...
by Robert McMillen | Week 04 - Humility
One of my wife’s hobbies is stopping at those little junk shops along the highway where every nook and cranny is overflowing with things. Junk Shops Her hope is that she is going to find that one unique treasure that will fill some niche in our home or it will be the...
by Robert McMillen | Week 04 - Humility, Week 15 - Completion
I want to highlight a danger that I’ve been seeing in struggling marriages. It’s something that is often tolerated in Christian marriages but isn’t an example of biblical love. God’s Love is Not Controlling To illustrate I want to start with...
by Robert McMillen | Week 16 - Diligence, Week 04 - Humility
Responsible: Having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own. So what does “responsible” mean in marriage? It should include being responsible for my role in the marriage, my energy in the marriage and my leadership in...
by Robert McMillen | Week 04 - Humility
Let’s imagine a courtroom with you as a defendant. The judge has entered the chamber. The charges are serious. You are guilty of humility. (I told you it was imaginary…) So how would I, the prosecuting attorney prove this charge? What examples would I...
by Robert McMillen | Week 04 - Humility, Week 08 - Truth
We all face a real challenge in our relationship with the Holy Spirit, that we must acknowledge. It is this. Because the Holy Spirit is a guide and a teacher, He does not ignore our will or force us to do anything. God has always given us freewill, from the...