Couple High Fiving

 SYMBIS is a powerful and easy Relational Assessment

for Engaged, Married and Previously-Married Couples.


This Relational Assessment gives you both a personalized road map
to understand your relationship.

It helps couples understand the issues they face.


FACT: Over 1 Million Couples have taken the SYMBIS Assessment!


Click Below to View Sample Pages from the SYMBIS Assessment


Spend 30 Minutes on the Questions

Take the assessment from any internet-connected  laptop, tablet or phone.

We do some Analytical Magic

Relax while we use your answers to find the best relational insights.

Start Enjoying Deeper Intimacy

Review the Results with an experienced Couple to help you get the most benefit.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does the Assessment Cover?

SYMBIS has multiple sections.

The Assessment begins with your Marriage Momentum, a summary of the assessment from the following four areas.

The first is “MINDSET” which explores how you view marriage.  Couples often see marriage in different ways and understanding your spouse’s mindset will help you relate better.

Then the assessment explores “WELLBEING“.  Each of us brings history into our marriage.  WELLBEING explores our self-image, maturity, independence and highlights any caution flags for more exploration.

Next is “CONTEXT” which explores the relationships we influence our marriage.  Our friends, family, in-laws, and faith community.  It challenges us to consider how our marriage is impacted by these relationships and where we need to build support.  Next the assessment looks at Money and your relationship, Expectations and your relationship and any Remarriage issues.

The final section is “DYNAMICS” where the focus is on your personality types, your styles and the strengths you bring into the relationship.  It reviews how you define Love, your attitudes about Sex and how your react to challenges and stress.  This section also delves into Communication styles, Gender differences, Five Top Needs, Conflict Styles, Priority Topics and Spirituality.

What is taking the Assessment Like?

The SYMBIS Assessment is taken online using a web-browser like Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer or Safari.

There are 300 questions and it normally takes about 30-35 minutes to answer them.  The question types vary so that you will find it interesting.

Remember this is not a test of your knowledge about marriage.  It is about answering questions about yourself.  You cannot fail this questionnaire…

Each couple takes the Assessment separately without sharing answers.

The results from the Assessment are then forwarded to your Facilitator Couple.  (That’s us!)

We review the results, develop a discussion plan and schedule time with the two of you.

We then meet as necessary to walk through the results, understand opportunities and work on changes you both want to make.

How do we meet together to review the SYMBIS Assessment?

We can meet online in a Google Meet or ZOOM session.  Contact us via email to arrange a time!

How much do you charge for your time as facilitators?

The listed fee includes the Assessment for both of you plus a one hour remote session with us.  We can arrange a time via email.

What is the SYMBIS process from beginning to end?

  1. You determine with your spouse or fiancee’ if you are interested.
  2. You pay the fee for the SYMBIS Assessment.  That covers both of you.
  3. We send you the invitation to take the Assessment.  We will send you an invitation for the SYMBIS assessment within 24 hours.  On weekends or when we are traveling, it may be up to 48 hours.
  4. Each of you takes the Assessment separately.  Since it is online we are notified when you both have completed it.
  5. We receive the results, review and send you each a copy.  If you are working with a counselor, please let us know who should receive the results.
  6. We schedule to meet with both of you when you want.
  7. You get a blessing from learning more about each other!

How does this differ from re|engage?

The SYMBIS Assessment offers insights into the distinctives of your relationship and provides ideas for improving your relationship.   It is a diagnostic tool to help you learn more about your relationship whether you are engaged or married.

re|engage is a national marriage ministry available at many churches.  We believe it is the most effective and low-cost way to save or enrich your marriage.

With SYMBIS, you get a snapshot picture of your marriage and meet one-on-one with us.  The assessment will reveal things about your relationship that may not be addressed in re|engage.

re|engage will involve a facilitator couple and 3-5 other couples in a group setting for 3-4 months.

If you have attended re|engage, you will find great value in the SYMBIS Assessment.  It will add insight into your relationship and provide areas for further growth.

If you have NOT attended re|enagage, you will get similar benefits of insight into your relationship.  You may then chose to attend re|engage or other marriage enrichment programs.

re|engage is provided by churches in many areas of the country, while SYMBIS facilitators may or may not work as part of a church ministry.

Where can I learn more about re|engage?

Visit their site and watch their great videos with real couples talking about how their marriage was changed.

Then use their search tool to find a church in your area that offers it!

For a minimal cost and several months, meeting weekly, re|engage can restore and resurrect most marriages.

Click HERE to visit their site.

What about the SYMBIS books?

The books (and workbooks and DVD) are not required for the SYMBIS Assessment, but you may benefit from purchasing, reading them and answering the questions.  We provide links to the books, if you wish to purchase them but do not feel that you must read them before taking the Assessment.  Click here to view at Amazon.

Is SYMBIS Biblically based?

Yes it is.  We all know that the Bible has a lot to say about marriage. That’s why SYMBIS comes with a Biblical guide to help you integrate more biblical insights into the pages of the SYMBIS Report as you unpack it.  Here you will find relevant passages from God’s Word–more than 150 verses, each linked to for quick reference and further context as well as other translations–connected to the various topics found in the SYMBIS Report.

If you request we will send you the PDF!

Purchasing Instructions

1) Choose a Payment Option.

2) Enter purchasing information to complete the transaction.

3) Once the transaction completes, you will return here.

4) Add your names and emails on this PAGE!

4) We will receive your email information and send you an invitation code via email, to take the SYMBIS assessment!

Please Note: We store no purchase information on our website, it is secured on PayPal’s site.


*After your purchase you should click HERE to enter your contact names and emails so we can send out both SYMBIS Assessment links!