by Robert McMillen | Week 08 - Truth
Truth is a rare commodity in our world. Each of us is tempted daily to shade the truth, lie or stay silent. But is sacrificing the truth worth it in marriage? And what does it mean for those of us who say we follow Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life? So...
by Robert McMillen | Week 08 - Truth
Hiding in Plain Sight Have you noticed that “we the people” are expert “hiders”? That we love to keep our little secrets? And it seems so normal and natural. It shows up even when we are young. We see children hiding toys from others, hiding...
by Robert McMillen | Week 08 - Truth, Week 02 - Brokenness
All of us struggle with various insecurities in life. But most of us let our insecurities sabotage the abundant life Jesus calls us too while limiting the freedom we were created for. So for your sake, let’s discuss this. It’s easy to understand...
by Robert McMillen | Week 08 - Truth, Week 09 - Communication
There are two powerful words in marriage. And these words impact my marriage relationship every day. The comics might say that those two words should be “Yes, Dear”. The realists would offer “I’m sorry”, though that’s technically...
by Robert McMillen | Week 08 - Truth, Week 16 - Diligence
In marriage, our emotional state always affects our spouse. And our fears add a constant tension to the relationship. In our previous post we looked at how our fears negatively affect our intimacy in marriage. If we want a stronger and more intimate marriage, it is...
by Robert McMillen | Week 08 - Truth
Without a doubt, we live in a time of many fears. We’ve learned that we are to fear Covid-19. Fear racism. Fear Republicans. Fear Democrats. Fear white people. Fear black people. Fear immigrants. Fear I.C.E. Fear liberals. Fear conservatives. Fear...