by Robert McMillen | Week 04 - Humility, Week 15 - Completion
I want to highlight a danger that I’ve been seeing in struggling marriages. It’s something that is often tolerated in Christian marriages but isn’t an example of biblical love. God’s Love is Not Controlling To illustrate I want to start with...
by Robert McMillen | Week 12 - Understanding, Week 15 - Completion
A great marriage is not when the “perfect couple” comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. – Dave Meurer One of the most common reasons that couples have conflict is that they are frustrated that their spouse...
by Robert McMillen | Week 16 - Diligence, Week 13 - Emotional Intimacy, Week 15 - Completion
One of the common situations in marriage is when we reach a point of boredom with each other. The causes can be complicated. Maybe it is because we are too busy, overwhelmed, feeding some addictive behavior or just worn down by life. Regardless, we don’t feel...
by Robert McMillen | Week 03 - Grace, Week 15 - Completion
[This is an imaginative interview with the Holy Spirit, based on scripture.] Q: I don’t think it’s any secret that many Christians are unsure about you. There is this sense of mystery and unknown since we are physical and you are a spirit. I think...
by Robert McMillen | Week 03 - Grace, Week 15 - Completion
[This is an imaginative interview with the Holy Spirit, based on scripture.] Q: As Christians, we read about you but there’s a lot more emphasis on Jesus and God the Father in most churches. What would you like us to know about you, as an introduction? I...