[This is an imaginative interview with the Holy Spirit, based on scripture.]
Q: I don’t think it’s any secret that many Christians are unsure about you. There is this sense of mystery and unknown since we are physical and you are a spirit. I think that’s why many of us find it easier to relate to Jesus, as a man, and the Father, because we know human fathers. How would you respond to this?
Most believers are comfortable with the thought of me living inside of them. But they stop there. They can’t believe they can experience spiritual intimacy with me. While they visualize the Father and Jesus they need to be reminded. I’m living inside of them every moment.
So don’t miss out on the reason the Father sent me to live inside of you. And that is to enjoy a constant intimate relationship with me.
Your faith is to be relational and built on our intimacy. If you see me as something weird or something to fear, then you are not seeing our desire for you.
We choose to live inside you:
- To personify the personal presence (John 4:24) of Jesus in your life
- To equip you to fight through doubt, deception, trials and experience true joy in their midst? (John 16:13)
- To fulfill Jesus’s promises (Luke 12:11-12, Matthew 28:20)
- To secure your salvation (2 Corinthians 5:5, Romans 8:14)
- To teach and illuminate the holy scriptures (John 14:26), help you pray (Romans 8:26), give you boldness (Acts 4:31), provide guidance (Acts 8:29, Acts 16:7), give you discernment (Acts 5:3) and empower the supernatural works of God in you? (Romans 15:18-29)
Remember this. Jesus laid aside his supernatural powers when he was born as a man. All the power, miracles and insight that manifested in His life, were through His relationship with me (Luke 4:14, 18) (Acts 10:38). He humbled himself in this way so He could experience life as a man. (Philippians 2:8)
You have the same access to me as Jesus did (1 Peter 1:2).
And I will always glorify Him and the Father (1 John 4:2). I am in you. You are in us. (John 14:20)
Yes, you will struggle (John 16:33). You are still living in a sinful and broken body (John 3:34).
You are not Jesus. He had a specific mission and gifting’s. But He loves you more than you can understand and wants to dwell with you through me.
That’s why He called me your “Comforter”, your “Advocate”, your “Helper”, and your “Counselor”.
So, come fellowship with me (Psalm 34:8). I’m always here.
Share your answer(s) with your spouse to get the most benefit!
What stood out to you as you read about intimacy with the Holy Spirit?
Is there an area in your relationship with the Holy Spirit where you haven’t responded to Him relationally?